The first day of fourth grade (or any other grade for that matter) can be scary and overwhelming for both students and teachers! But, having a plan can help your day run smoothly.
I still remember my first year of teaching! I started in Pre-K, and I had planned with the other Pre-K teacher. Although, the night before the first day of school, I had a meltdown. I realized I didn’t know what to do. I mean I knew what activity we were doing, but what we planned wasn’t going to take the whole day. The other teacher was a pro, and she didn’t think about telling me how to get through the first day.
What is important to tell the students? What do I go over? What do I do with students who are crying? How do I introduce the rules?
Now that I’ve had 17 first days of school, I know what’s important and what’s not.
I always give new teachers on my team a detailed schedule of what to do the first day because I will never forget how completely lost I felt my first day of teaching!
I’m hoping this schedule will not only help the first year teacher, but will be a reminder for the experienced teacher.
I’ve added detailed time blocks to help demonstrate the length of each activity. You can just adjust the times to fit your own classroom’s schedule.
To start your first day of fourth grade, being prepared is key!
I have the desks labeled with the students’ names, a sharpened pencil, and an easy activity ready for them ready to go when they walk in the door. The activities that I use can be found here: Back to School Activities BUNDLE
Students Arrival
7:45- 8:00- After greeting the student at the door, I help them find their seat. They have a choice of two activities at their desk that are not intimidating: Create a picture or a word search.
8:00- 8:05- Complete your attendance!
8:05 – 8:35- Have the students come to the floor and sit in the circle. These games are perfect to go over everyone’s name.
Get to know everyone’s name
Circle of Names
- Go around the circle and each student says their name, but there’s a catch not only does the student say his/her name, they also have to say the person’s name who is sitting next to them and all the other names of people who have gone before them.
So the first person will have the easiest time, and the last will have the most difficult time because they have to know everyone’s name in the circle. Of course, it is so much fun because everyone helps each other as they go around the circle.
The teacher always goes last and says everyone’s name in the circle
Spider Web
- One student holds a ball of yarn. They state their name and then throw the ball of yarn to a student across the circle from them, but they hold onto a piece of yarn. Each student says their name, holds onto a piece of yarn, and throws the ball of yarn to another student creating a spider web.
Then the teacher explains that the class is now woven together like a spider web. We all spend so much time together each day, we are connected with one another like the delicate weave of a web.
8:35-9:20- ART, MUSIC, PE
Rules and procedures are taught throughout the first day of fourth grade.
It is important to give students reminders, even though they are 4th graders: on how to line up correctly and walk in the hall.
After picking up your students from specials, it would be a good idea to give them a tour of the school.
Additionally, you should take your class on a restroom break. At this time remind students about the rules of the restroom.
When you return to the classroom, you can explain the classroom procedures for using the restroom during class time.
Organization is key
9:30- 10:15- Organize Supplies
Every teacher has their own way of organizing supplies, but this is what I like to do:
*Collect Classroom Supplies- tissue, ziplocks, index cards, notebook paper, etc.
*Supply Box – I like to be specific on what students should keep in their supply box.
*They keep their left over supplies in a Ziplock baggie with their name on it. They can access these supplies whenever they need another pencil or box of crayons.
*Folders and Spiral Notebooks- Label with name and subject, put in the correct place.
*Binders- Label dividers, put in notebook paper, and put everything in the correct order
Get to know the other students in the room.
10:15- 11:00– Icebreaker Activity

Students can get to know one another with a game. Find a Friend or Interview a Friend are great Icebreakers. They can be found here: Back to School Activities BUNDLE
Looking for more activities, check out my: Icebreakers Activities for the First Day of School
Everyone loves a good book
11:00- 11:30– Call students over to the carpet for a first day of school read aloud.
There are multiple choices, but her are some of my favorites:
*Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun *Chrysanthemum *After the Fall *The Good Egg *The Bad Seed *Back to School Rules *First Day Jitters *The Cool Bean
Of course, these are great to read aloud throughout the first two weeks of school.
Everyone is starving by now
11:30-12:00- Lunch
Be sure to go over lunch behavior, manners, and sitting arrangements
I always remind my students that they can not tell another student “you can’t sit here.” In fact, I tell them to invite people over to sit with them.
Time for the Rules
12:00-1:00- Explaining the rules of the classroom
Students are starting to get comfortable with each other and you, so it’s time to introduce the classroom rules.
There are several ways you can go over class rules with your students. For example, you can have them act out the rules or include them in the process of making rules.
Students can get into groups and brainstorm rules that are important in a classroom. Then all groups will share and a class set of rules is made.
Also, it is important to go over the consequences. If a student breaks a rule, what is going to happen?
Be ready because some students will put you to the test quickly. It is imperative that you enforce the classroom rules from the beginning!
Ready for a break
1:00-1:30- Recess
It is necessary to go over recess rules and expectations.
Explain the importance of inviting others to play.
1:30-1:45- Students listen to a story as they cool down from recess.
Read another first day book. There are so many to choose from!
Icebreaker Round 2
1:45-2:15- This or That Icebreaker
This or That is a fun way for students to get to know each other’s likes and dislikes. I’ve explained different ways to use the activity here: Icebreaker Blog Post.
You can find the activity here: Back to School This or That Bundle
Get to know your teacher
2:15- 2:30- Students are anxious to learn more about their new teacher.
A fun Kahoot game or PowerPoint slideshow is a fun way to give the students an insight to who you are!
2:30- End of the Day
Pack up, go over dismissal procedure, be sure you know how all students are getting home.
2:45- Dismissal
That’s it! Leave me a comment if I missed anything!
The first day of fourth grade is definitely a whirlwind. If you didn’t get to everything, it’s OK. Take a moment to reflect on your day, and make a list of what you want to cover the next day.